Saturday, July 27, 2024
Innovative SMS Gateway & Messaging solutions


Here some XML examples for languages and script languages like PHP, Python, ASP, VBscript-Class, C#, Java, Jabber ...

PHP | Python | ASP/VB-Script | VBscript Class | C# | Java | Jabber

XML with ASP/VBScript

This script is based on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0 (IIS), Microsoft XML 3.0/Service Pack 1 (MSXML) and ASPSMS Active X Component Version 3.0. Make sure that you modify the path for your XML document.

If you want to have more comfort, please have also a look at the following example scripts: VBscript Class

Option Explicit
' Define Variables
Dim xmlExample, XMLhttp, xmlDoc2, Response_Doc
<title>XML Post</title>
' Open XML document
Set xmlExample = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
xmlExample.SetProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", False
xmlExample.Async = False
xmlExample.Load "E:\aspsms\xml\request1.xml"
' Check XML document
If Not xmlExample.ParseError = 0 Then
  Response.Write "<b>Error Code:</b> " & xmlExample.ParseError & "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>Error Description:</b> " & xmlExample.ParseError.reason & "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>Error File Position:</b> " & xmlExample.ParseError.filepos & "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>Error Line:</b> " & xmlExample.ParseError.line & "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>Error Line Position:</b> " & xmlExample.ParseError.linepos & "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>Error Source Text:</b> " & xmlExample.ParseError.srcText & "<br>"
  ' Send XML request
  Set XMLhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
  XMLhttp.Open "POST", "", False
  XMLhttp.Send xmlExample.xml
  ' Get server status
  Response.Write "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>xmlSvr Server Status:</b><br>"
  Response.Write "-----------------------------------------<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>Status (Value must be 200): </b>" & XMLhttp.status & "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>ReadyState (Value must be 4): </b>" & XMLhttp.ReadyState & "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>StatusText (Value must be OK): </b>" & XMLhttp.StatusText & "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>AllResponseHeaders:</b><br>" & XMLhttp.GetAllResponseHeaders & "<br>"
  ' Get XML response from xmlSvr
  Set xmlDoc2 = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
  xmlDoc2.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
  xmlDoc2.async = False
  xmlDoc2.LoadXML XMLhttp.ResponseXML.xml
  Response.Write "<br>"
  Response.Write "<b>xmlSvr XML Response:</b><br>"
  Response.Write "-----------------------------------------<br>"
  Response_Doc = xmlhttp.responseXML.xml
  Response_Doc = Replace (Response_Doc,"<","&lt;")
  Response_Doc = Replace (Response_Doc,">","&gt;")
  Response.Write Response_Doc & "<br>"
End If

More XML examples:

PHP | Python | ASP/VB-Script | VBscript Class | C# | Java | Jabber

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